He Posts, She Posts...Eventually
You can always tell who's blogging about Evan. Mark usually posts photos and videos with no verbal description. I usually post only verbage with no photos. It works for us.
So, here is another post where I feel guilty about how long it's been since the last time I recorded some cute, smart, adorable, or amazing thing my son has done. What I should really do is just keep a Blogger window open all the time, so that when inspiration hits, I can just come to my computer and write it down. Yes, that's the ideal. As a recovering perfectionist, I'm working on letting go of that expectation. We'll see how it goes.
Anyway, enough about me. Evan wrote his first letter yesterday: M. It happened very naturally when we were coloring together. He wanted to spell my name (Mama). So I started writing M - A and then he took his crayon and mimiced my M! Totally unsolicited from me! I was completely amazed
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