Mellow Fellow
If this doesn't prove it, I don't know what will...
I took Evan to see an opthomologist yesterday. Apparently, being a preemie increases his risk for certain eye problems. Before his exam, the doctor explained the procedure and tried to prepare me for the screaming that might come from my precious little boy. To help comfort him, she gave him a pacifier dipped in sugar water, and then proceeded to put a speculum in his eye to keep his lids open while she poked and prodded his little eyball. He made not a sound. In fact, he basically slept through the whole procedure, seemingly unaffected by all this abuse except for the increased rate of sucking. Can you believe it? His eyes are fine, by the way. Still a little underdeveloped which is normal since he's a preemie.
At his pediatrician's appointment today, Evan weighed in at 6 lb., 12 oz. and measured 19 1/4 in. Way to grow my boy!