Memorable Moments with the Everyday Evan

Friday, April 04, 2008

Learning Curves

Evan's fascination with letters continues. Today I peeked in on him arranging his Hot Wheels cars into the letter "P". Then he wanted to try other letters so I helped him arrange them. Now that I'm thinking about it, I probably should have let him try other letters by himself first before I took over. Oh well. I really do want to continue to nurture his love of learning that is apparently such a natural drive in young children. I wonder what I will catch him learning next.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Mama's Little Helper

I have been trying to involve Evan more in my daily household activities. He can sort his own dirty laundry into lights and darks and sort his clean laundry into types of clothes (pants, shirts, etc.). More recently, I have been having him help me prepare our meals. So far, he's proved to be a good egg scrambler, orange peeler, and peanut butter spreader. I think it's been good for relationship building and for giving him the opportunity to develop new skills.

This morning, he was standing on the stepstool next to me helping me prepare our breakfast. He put his arm around my shoulder, rested his head on me and said, "We love each udder." How precious is that?

He Posts, She Posts...Eventually

You can always tell who's blogging about Evan. Mark usually posts photos and videos with no verbal description. I usually post only verbage with no photos. It works for us.

So, here is another post where I feel guilty about how long it's been since the last time I recorded some cute, smart, adorable, or amazing thing my son has done. What I should really do is just keep a Blogger window open all the time, so that when inspiration hits, I can just come to my computer and write it down. Yes, that's the ideal. As a recovering perfectionist, I'm working on letting go of that expectation. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, enough about me. Evan wrote his first letter yesterday: M. It happened very naturally when we were coloring together. He wanted to spell my name (Mama). So I started writing M - A and then he took his crayon and mimiced my M! Totally unsolicited from me! I was completely amazed