Memorable Moments with the Everyday Evan

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Very Diego Valentine's Day

I found some Diego Valentine's cards at KMart and made some cards from Evan to his Nani, Grandma & Grandpa, and Papi. Evan colored all over the design I printed on cardstock and then I glued the Diego Valentine inside. I also gave one of the Valentine's to Evan. He got so distracted with it, that he didn't even want to finish his dinner. The love of Diego is very powerful.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Loud & Clear

Evan's favorite word these days is "loud". He comments on everything from bodily functions (cough, sneeze, burp, fart) to household appliances (vacuum cleaners, hairdryers, blenders.) But his favorite loud object has to be Pa-Pa's airplane. In fact, "Pa-Pa" and "loud" are now inseparably linked since he actually took a ride in his grandpa's airplane. I think he really enjoyed it. He didn't cry or whine. He just stared out the window calmly and then looked over at me every once in awhile and said, "Pa-Pa....loud."

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Master Snot-Sucker

Evan has caught yet another cold and, I hate to admit this, but I get a perverse satisfaction from using the bulb syringe to suck the snot out of his nose. I've got a great one made by Little Noses with a clear flexible grip so I can actually see how much snot I'm extracting.

Amazingly enough, Evan is only mildly resistant to this procedure even though it requires me to sit on top of him and restrain his arms and legs while holding his head still. He's willing to sit through the torture of snot suckage, watery eyes, and coughing just so he can see the green sludge that I've squired onto the tissue and comment, "bubbles."


What's up with the licking and the spitting? Evan's newest past time is spitting on the floor and then driving Diego's rescue Jeep through the puddle. Or, just as much fun, licking the hsliding glass door and driving his car across the wet glass. What will he come up with next?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Her name was Lo-Lo...She was a sitter

Last Friday night, I picked Evan up from the babysitter'se house and on the way home, he kept saying, "Cat...cats? Lo-lo." I was trying so hard to figure out what he was saying and it waas pretty obvious that he was trying to tell me about his evening with his babysitter, Lauren, who he calls Lo-Lo. When I asked her about it later and did Evan play with her cats, she said there was another little girl who wore a cat mask for most of the night.

Iti just amazes me that Evan is able to communicator so much more these days!