
We had a really good time, although we were all kind of tired because none of us slept well the previous night. Evan didn't take a nap before hand, so when we first walked into the Staples Center, I think he was a little over stimulated. It was dark, with a lot of bright stage lights and loud. I sat him on my lap and he patiently watched the first half of the show, but didn't really show a lot of signs that he was enjoying it.
At intermission, we went out to the lobby to get some snacks. Evan had a chance to run around a little. And when it was time to go back inside, Evan didn't want to go back. We led him back into the auditorium anyway and tried to keep him interested, but he was fidgety and crying. So Mark took him out to the lobby to let him run around a bit more. I went out to check on them and asked Evan, "Don't you want to come back and see the rest of the circus?" To which he replied, "No Show! No Show!"
So, we went ahead and left early and Evan fell asleep in the car almost instantly.
We bring up the circus every once in awhile and ask him what he remembers seeing and he says, "tigers, horses, zebras." That about sums it all up!
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