I decided to strike while the iron's hot. I just got back from my weekend in San Francisco and Evan went pee-pee in the potty a few more times for Mark over the weekend. So, I went out and bought Evan some big boy undies, a potty seat for the big toilet and a little potty for downstairs. I brought up some toys and DVDs and books and decorated the bathroom like we're having a party. I wrapped up the undies and placed it on the toilet.
This morning, I woke Evan up and told him, "It's potty day! Today's the day that you're going to practice going pee-pee- in the potty like a big boy! Come open your present!" I got him out of the crib and took him to the bathroom. He slowly ripped off the wrapping paper and took a look at the 3 pairs of Diego underwear and 6 pairs of white Fruit of the Loom briefs that I bought him. "You get to go pee-pee in the potty today!" And he said, "No! No pee-pee in the toily." Not a good sign.
We spent all morning in the bathroom. We watched Finding Nemo and Cars (twice) and I sat him on the potty every 15 minutes. I pumped him full of apple juice and water and gave him 3 M&M's every time he went pee-pee in the potty. He was reluctant at times. He was defiant at others. He was excited at other times. All in all, he had more successes than accidents.
But by the time we went downstairs for lunch, I was physically and emotionally drained to the point of tears. It was just so hard to maintain a postive, upbeat, encouraging demeanor in the face of blood-curdling screams, being slapped in the face, cleaning up pee-pee puddles and wrestling him onto the toilet.
I couldn't believe that he actually took a nap because he was so pumped up with sugar and had no outlet to expend all that energy. But, by God's grace, he did go down and I got a break. I talked to my cousin, Tanya, who was the one who had told me about this method of toilet training and she could completely relate. She said I was doing great, I was on the right track, and it sounded as if Evan was really getting it! And that was half the battle right there. The rest was just practicing it and reinforcing it.
So, I felt better after we talked. And when Evan woke up from his nap, we hung out in the bedroom and watched Diego and Cars again from the bed. It was a lot more comfortable. And, after awhile, Evan was asking to sit on the toily himself.
By the time he went to bed, I was completely exhausted. But I think, all in all, it was a very successful day!